Hey guys!
Yay! I just checked my “Adsense”! Someone listened to me, I made 14 cents, thank you ^_^. Very exciting, the only time I’ve ever actually made any… sense... is… never. Haha! Sorry… never mind. The only time I’ve ever made cents was when I asked my grandmother to click on the links :-/… But shhh ;-)!
I went fishing!! Last week there was a day when the weather wasn’t too warm, so I asked my dad if he’d take me fishing. It was brilliant! We found a nice spot a few minutes… Okay, well, on the way home my dad and I placed bets on how many minutes it would take to get back. My dad guessed three, I guessed five. I set the counter on my mobile as the engine roared into play.
Three and a half minutes later we were driving up to the garage, I sat for a few seconds, then reluctantly got out, went to the garage… But, what’s this :-O! It was LOCKED! I had to go back to the car, 4 minutes, get the keys, slowly… but surely put the keys in, turn the lock, pull up the door, and slide it into place, as the car rolled in, the timer hit five minutes… So, ha! I win… even if I don’t… But I sort of do... So, ha :-P! Heehee. Yes, so the spot was about three – ehem, five - minutes away from home.
After about an hour of placing bright, orange blobs of cheese smelling bait onto my hook, casting out, waiting, getting impatient, reeling in, casting out again and so on until the bait flew off or sank to the bottom of the river and I had to start the whole procedure again the fish started tormenting us by jumping about just inches - INCHES I tell you!!! - from my float… Grrr! The wind wasn’t on my side either… it was coming from the other side of the river and blowing my float and whatnot back into the bank!
Finally though my float went under and the exhilaration was just too much to handle! I tugged to the right and quickly reeled in, to find my hook was cleaned off from any bright orange bait ever put on… and missing an extremely important component… The fish! After a few hours of being at the riverside, after catching no fish, we finally called it a day and went home. It was so much fun though!
During fishing I had a heart attack! Out of the corner of my eye I noticed this thing that was suddenly running towards me, I jumped out of my skin, only then to realise that it was just a giant, white, fluff ball of a dog. Soon to follow him, was his amused owner… It was not funny -_- :-P.
Gizmo just barked twice to be let into the lounge because I had the doorclosed, he ran in at full speed, did a few circuits around the room like a maniac, when he came back to my feet, I picked him up, cuddled him, put him back down… and then he went back to running circuits… he’s insane -_-.
Any who, as many of you may know, I had been mourning over the fact that the ice-rink has been closed for quite some time now - four months in total! On Wednesday though… as I said before, it was going to open, and it did! It was so much fun, there were actually more people there than I had expected as well, so even though I wanted to practise how to turn and continue going backwards without embarrassing myself too much… it was still great! Saturday and Sunday were awesome too ^_^. My legs aren’t as painful as I thought they’d be, since I did absolutely no exercise whatsoever during summer, except for the occasional swimming… I can’t believe I just admitted that -_-.
I’m ever so tempted to use the backspace button but shan’t, just because I’m THAT cool :-P.
If you’re thinking about moving to
Learning another language changes the way you think about your own language, now every time, where a “that” (“que”) is implied in an English sentence… I just HAVE to put it in. Sometimes, I’ll get really creeped out because I’ll only be able to think of the French word for vaiselles… kitchenware/dishes -_-. Well that was just a random one but it just happens like that! Freaky stuff! Speaking of freaky stuff, woo, Halloween, can’t wait! That is all.
I don’t really have much news except that… I’m in love! He’s so gorgeous and… fiery /:|! Okay, so I’m in love with a guitar… Not just any guitar a DEAN guitar… *Drools*. I just read over that sentence and realised that I say “guitar” an awful lot… Guitar, guitar, guitar! Sorry, it was necessary for me to do that -_-. It’s a “Dean Dime Explosion Razorback Electric Guitar”, it’s all explosively and… and razor-y! Yes, my use of the English language IS just brilliant :-P.
Ahhhhh! Gadget has the power to give me heart attacks! From where I’m sitting I just barely saw him climbing onto the mantel piece, so I hissed and ran over, as I got there he was just climbing over my mom’s round glass thing that has a unicorn laser-ed into it. I put my hand up to stop it from falling and put my hand on the other two things my mom loves and then blew a raspberry at Gadget… Not exactly magic or super heroism but it did the trick anyway!
The doorbell just rang so I’m going to have to leave you all… Even if
I shall write again as soon as I have news, hoping to hear from you guys!
- Bianca
P.S. I'm so sorry about the sudden change of the writing font. I'm having a little bit of trouble keeping it on the one font. Grrr!
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