Hey guys!
Okay, I know it’s been a while since I last wrote but I was away for six days! And with being “away” somewhere comes something interesting to write about ^_^!
Every morning’s the same for me… Usually :-P. I’ll be woken up by Gadget’s non-stop meows… Well they’re hardly anything like a meow, it’s more an extremely painful long “MEEEOOOOOOWWWWOOOO”. It simply can’t be ignored! When I let him out of his room, Gizmo usually follows and waits in front of the door to say good morning to Gadget. It is one of the sweetest things ever! Gadget will come out and make little “mrp-ing” noises, completely ignoring me to run up to Gizmo and cuddle up against him. Awww!
After fifteen minutes or so of stroking and loving Gizmo and Gadget, Gadget will become tiresome and want to be fed… This is the painful part :-P.
The one morning I was making Gadget’s breakfast but Gadget being Gadget, got a little impatient waiting for me. Suddenly this THING was on me! I gasped as I looked down; holding on for dear life was, who else, Gadget!
He had jumped up and flung his little… little but SHARP… and DEADLY nails into my shirt… and partly into the soft flesh just below my ribs… Eeeeowww! And that noise wasn’t coming from Gadget :-P. He gave a last final “cute little puppy dog… but kitty cat eyes” and let go on his grasp. I’ll never know how he manages to jump so high! As he was getting ready for another “gut-ripping” pounce, I decided to quickly put his food on the floor to save my skin! :-P
Gadget is such a starvo! He’ll push his head in the way of Gizmo’s to get at Gizmo’s food, whilst his bowl is still half full of his own breakfast… He’s a right little boy :-P!
After breakfast Gizmo and Gadget will wrestle for ages or play chasing games then eventually fall down too tired to move! That’s a typical morning for them!
Last Saturday, we set off to a place about a good hour or so from my little town called “Bessieres” which is where Gui-Gui and Wilf, friends of ours, live. I’ve written about them before in “Saturday… which actually felt like Sunday because of going out on Friday, the Friday which felt like a Saturday…”. It was the first time Gadget would be going for a long car trip. This is excluding the twenty minute drive that it took to bring him home from where we got him from.
We thought he’d be fine with just sleeping on my sister’s lap the whole way, since he was like that with me for the twenty minutes… But oh no! He was the most squirmy, wriggly thing I’ve ever seen! And especially the most noisy! We gave up eventually trying to hold him and stopped at a shop that took us out of our way to go to, to buy him a cat carrier.
It was the BEST buy ever!!! The only thing that was unpreventable was the meow, meow, meooooww, meow?-ing. It was okay though, we made a “Meowxican” wave out of it… My dad made up the name of course :-P. See, Gadget would meow then I would then it would go to my mom, my dad, to Venetia, then back to Gadget… Gizmo didn’t approve and just kept on snoring. Eventually though Gadget got fed up and just fastened up his meows -_-. After half an hour he fell asleep for a few minutes, only to be awoken again when we went around a round about! <--Talk about a tongue twister :-P.
We arrived and all was well though! That Saturday we didn’t do anything too laborious… Unless you think swimming and relaxing by the pool is hard work :-P. Personally, I don’t! We had come down… or up… Yes it’s north of my little town to see Wilf and Gui-Gui, because they were planning on moving and they’d done so much for us we wanted to help!
So on Sunday, my mom, Venetia and I set off to clean the one room out, I think my fear of spiders is now definitely cured! Okay, actually it was cured a long time ago when I let one run across my hand, but now I mean really, really cured! I shan’t ever squeal when I see one, ever again. All my squeals are out of me now with the amount of spiders in there :-P.
We had lunch and then it was back to the pool time! The next couple of days was just spent packing. On Wednesday, we got up at the ungodly hour of five o’clock. We were on the road by six and heading for Marseille, a long five hour drive from Bessieres. The route was absolutely stunning, as the day got brighter, and we got closer and closer to Marseille I was becoming… a lot more sleepy! By eleven AM we were almost there, a little bit later we could even see the house!! But as we made our way through the busy traffic and finally got to the little cobbled street right before the turning to go onto the road and to the new house DISTASTER struck!
The van… truck that my mom was driving and which also contained all of my parents’ friends’ furniture couldn’t fit between the wall and the church! We were so close! AHHH! After three attempts and a slight bump with the side of the church, we eventually gave up. We took off down the other side of the church, and couldn't get up the narrow road to the house but we were as close as we could get... Here, we offloaded everything, and had to HAUL it up the hill... The very long… STEEP hill :-P.
Okay, okay! It wasn’t that bad but then the story would have been boring, I bring LIFE to my stories :-P.
There were dudes there working on the house... Ehem, I'm sorry I left out a VERY important adjective... LAZY dudes! They helped with the fridge and then went off to stand with their empty wheelbarrow and their shovel... Just standing there... Daydreaming...
Anyway, once we'd hauled everything up the hill then we had to bring them down make-shift stairs (the workmen were definitely taking their time on working -_-), and into the house.
Three hours later we were finally done and everyone was absolutely dead! (Except the builders... they were standing there still smoking cigarettes, relaxing over a shovel, or slurping on fresh figs from the tree...)
And then we had to take the van back to Wilf, see we had to drop "Gui-Gui" off in Marseille with the furniture, Wilf's following in two weeks time.
So it was another "fun" five or so hour drive! Joy!!! :-P
Oh no! Before we could get out and go, we had to ask the two French people who had been so kind in parking in front of the truck to budge :-P, well Gui-Gui did that bit ^_^.
When we got back to Wilf’s place my bed there couldn’t of welcomed me any more than it did :-P.
It was actually a great learning experience, I know now how to read maps and also that I won't ever be moving to a big city (far too much traffic :-P). Marseille was absolutely gorgeous though, it's right on the Mediterranean!
If we'd driven about 3 hours or so north-east from Marseille, we would have hit the border of Italy! That and seeing the "BARCELONA" signs on the motorway make me love where I live. Viva la France!
On Thursday we finally came home, there’s no place like my little town, I never want to move, never, ever, ever! It’s just… I just think this is the perfect place, I’ve never felt more at home… Except of course, when I don’t understand what people say to me… Then of course I feel like the right “étranger”… See what I mean… I had to check that I was right in using that word for “foreigner” -_-!
Oh! When we were at Wilf and Gui-Gui’s they had Sky T.V.! English speaking Sky T.V.!!! I was so excited but only found out closer to the end of our stay so didn’t get much viewing done. I like to just vege sometimes :-P!
The ice-rink! Now that’s news!! In just eleven days it’s going to be re-opened and I’m going to be there! The day is a little awkward: Wednesday the 17th but it’s okay because I can go all three days that it’s open for that week! Wooo! Vivement La Patinoire (I can’t wait for the ice-rink)!!! Free French lesions there ;-). Something schools wouldn’t teach you :-P!
When we were in Bessieres on the day that we were leaving, we witnessed the most horrible, cruel thing I’ve never seen!... You see, it was my mom and my sister who actually saw this EVIL creature attacking the poor, little, fluffy bumblebees! It was approximately four times or so the normal size of a bumble bee! It just… attacked them, so along the ground we spotted a few dying ones, it was so horrible and there was one bumblebee that only had one wing left :-(. We tried to give them a nice leaving with sugar water though :-).
Oh hey! When we were at Wilf and Gui-Gui’s new place I got to see the apartment of Gui-Gui’s friend and :-O… I was so impressed with his glasses, not spectacles, I mean drinking glasses… They matched the WHOLE interior, it was really new-age, with bizarre shaped chairs and even a giant “fatboy” (no, I’m not insulting anyone, it’s the brand name :-P) hammock in the centre of the room… The glasses were red and squonky… Awesome!!
Oh yes… About that Video Blog… I tried to do it but I had to take, like, a million takes, over and over again because I’d turn the camera on… and then just freeze up! It’s unbelievably weird talking to a camera, I appreciate “V-loggers” so much more now! :-P I will attempt to do it again this week but I’m not promising anything too wild!
Oooooh! Guess what I got!! A reader sent me in a picture of… Well you’ll see! Thank you very much to you for the awesome drawing! ^_^
Okay! I’m going to leave you at that and I promise to try and write soon… But that’s all of my news so far and I usually am a lacker of new news :-P.
Hoping to hear from you all soon!!
- Bianca
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