
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Happy 1st birthday Kiss My Fishy!!!

Hey guys!

I’m sorry for the wait again! I always forget to write up a Kiss My Fishy blog and then realise a little down the “line” and think "Oh no!!! It's been "insert a long amount of time here" since I last wrote up a blog!!"... And it's like my online memory, so if I forget what I did, or in what order, VWOOP, up I bring it ^_^. Extremely handy :-).

My word, I have so much news since last week!! The Tuesday past is really where the news is… We had to wake up at five in the morning… I wasn’t even sure that this time EXSISTED ;-)! Apparently it does... And my parents just HAD to prove it to me... By waking me up at that time! Well see I actually agreed to waking up (provided that there was espresso!)… But that’s not the point!

You see, Charlie (the Irish visitor, which I wrote about in my last post), his flight was at eight, or some ghastly hour like that… So in order to have at LEAST two hours to get ready, it was necessary to be awake early and then the drive is a good hour into Carcassonne, like I said before.

Once we where there, we dropped Charlie off, and went straight to the deathly-empty castle grounds of Carcassonne. We were there by half past eight and walked around, thoroughly enjoying it, for four hours. By the time Gizmo had given up on his legs and had chosen just to be dragged everywhere, we decided to head home. But the day doesn’t end there! I fell asleep in the car, and was unbelievably cranky when I woke up… and hungry! Even if I did eat a couple of hours before…

Anyway, we stopped at a pet store to see if they would clip Gizmo’s nails. I have no idea what happened to me, but I suddenly lost all of my French, and couldn’t figure anything out! I’m guessing it was because I’d just come back to life from being in a dead sleep, and my body wasn’t quite ready for being thrown back into reality again.
Eventually I got the message across and Gizmo was making… some-what-like-a-angry-monkey-noises... Honestly! That dog can moan! Once the lady was done, and I had gotten my French back in order, I asked her if she knew of any places where we could find a kitten. She had no idea -_-.

You seeee, my parents had been talking about getting a kitten, since we found out that I was no longer allergic… or at least not allergic to Wilf and Gi-Gi’s cat Billy (they are the couple who came over for the barbeque in my post “
Saturday… which actually felt like Sunday because of going out on Friday, the Friday which felt like a Saturday…”)… So yes! The search began…

When we arrived home, my mom checked the post and found that there were two ads in the English speaking-French paper (I know my dad’s going to make a pun out of that one -_- :-P) that suited us, so I called them, and actually understood half of the address! When I say half… I mean… I got us in the right area, and from there we knocked on doors and asked people if they knew a woman who was selling a little, white kitten… There was absolutely no mobile signal out in this little rural area, 20 minutes away from
my little town, so I couldn’t even do my MAIN plan! This was telling the woman that we were opposite the graveyard. Could she please come find us?... Okay not exactly rocket science, but it would have made my life so much easier.

After being an hour late for the “rendezvous”, we were almost about to give up, but decided to give it one last shot! Knocking on the door sealed my fate… Out came an elderly woman, who was missing more teeth that any person should be missing… She was soon followed by a tired looking, grey-haired, stout, man, who was rather menacing, without a shirt on and his tan in the shape of a vest…

They were actually extremely nice; we asked them and the man, pointed towards the hill, mumbling to his wife. Soon the wife was making a box shape with her hands saying “veranda”, after repeating the movement a few times. She changed the subject, and asked if we were here on holiday or not. Five minutes later, we were back trekking up the hill to the little house, where we found, another elderly couple, who pointed us further up the hill.

There, was a woman in a hammock, I repeated the sentence about looking for the woman, and she replied with “C’est moi!” (It’s me!). Relief! She led us into her house and went into a back room where she brought out a little white kitten, and also a Bengal. I fell in love immediately, but we couldn’t decide which one would be best for Gizmo’s sake and the kittens’.

After choosing… and getting down the hill, we changed our minds, and did a quick swap. I think that the lady (who I still have not learnt the name of -_-) was actually upset, but I’d set my heart on the tiger one! Two weeks before we’d even chosen the kitten my parents had a name ready… “Gadget”! It doesn’t quite work in French though, so it takes a while to explain why Gadget is called Gadget (The reason… only because of Gizmo’s name ^_^). He is the most gorgeous little thing! On top he’s like a little tiger, except not orange more blacky-brown, (his nose is so adorable, it looks absolutely identical to that of a tiger cub) but when he rolls over onto his stomach he shows the colouring of a cheetah! I will be getting up some pictures of Gizmo and Gadget together soon!

They’re still a little bit weary of each other but over the past four days they’ve progressed immensely with not minding being around one another. Gadget will be three months old on the 8th of August, which means that he was born on the 8th of May. The same day as Venetia! Aww, he’s a Taurus!

I have another poem for you! This isn’t written exactly how I usually would write a poem (the story just popping into my head and me going with it) instead when Charlie was here, he gave me the first sentence and a half (The river danced its merry way and sang its happy song, A songbird soared on high) and I was supposed to finish the poem.

Two minutes later, I was done, and called Charlie back. Of course, since it was intending on being a happy, summer poem, he wasn’t impressed on how I’d twisted it around… I love it though!

It’s a story… I wouldn’t actually harm any creature, especially a songbird -_-. You just have to be open-minded when you read it ;-)! You see, the world just keeps going on, no matter what… That’s what it was intended to say anyway :-P.

The river danced its merry way and sang its happy song,
A songbird soared on high, and then was shot on down,
The world turned grey, the night took over,
A child in the distance cried for his mother,
The war had began, the dust had lifted,
As the songbird slowly drifted,
Down below he hit the earth,
That was the sudden birth,
The shots rang out loudly,
And still the river swayed mildly.

By Bianca Cassandra P.

Oh hey! I just noticed something that I can’t believe I didn’t notice on the right day!! Happy 1st birthday Kiss My Fishy!!! Yes, I posted the first Kiss My Fishy post up a whole year ago now, since 8th of July last year :-O… It’s hard to believe that it’s flown by so quickly! Since I didn’t make such a big fuss over this, I shall be sure to make a HUGE fuss over “My 50th and 100th Posts” :-P! Look forward to it ;-).

Okay! I think that I’m going to make some hot chocolate and then head off to bed. I’m extremely tired, so shall read through this tomorrow morning and make sure it makes enough sense then.

Hoping to hear from you guys soon!

- Bianca

1 comment:

JMM said...

The river danced its merry way and sang its happy song,
A songbird soared on high, A little squirrelie ran right through, life took upon a turn and summer ended violently! Winter took it's curelest turn and life began to see the darker side of a pleasant life-to-be. The darker side and un pleasantries began to take a turn and life began to end in the little forest where...
The river danced its merry way and sang its happy song,
A songbird soared on high. The little squirrelie who once lived there had died leaving a happy family to carry on his legacy. The little river froze and withered unto a country brook. This river spread out soon mkaing a delta full on silt. This delta homed many plants adding to the homely forest where the little squirrelie once reside.

This is a very random poem! :P
Your Buddy,

If I didn't mention in my e-mail..I'm a guy, Just so you know.
