
Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Hey everybody!

First off, Happy Halloween! I hope you have a good one :-). I’m not doing anything today other than my usual home-schooling, but what about you guys? I’m not sure if they go trick or treat-ing in France, apparently they call before they come. So I get the impression that the kids would have to know the person they went trick or treating to. Much safer that way :-P.

French T.V. doesn’t even put scary movies on. Yesterday they were advertising Les Experts: Manhattan (which is basically CSI: Manhattan)… well I guess that can be scary sometimes :-P!

Okay well I don’t really want to write yet another blog consecutively on Sicily again, so we’ll make it a little more spicy this time… or at least slightly different…

FRANCE! Well as you all know I have absolutely no friends what so ever in France… STILL! Depressing, eh?

Well… I have had contact with people my age about a month ago, Venetia and I went into town. Today I didn’t want to go into town, I thought we were just going to pick something up quickly (so I hadn’t dressed appropriately) but then my mom and dad wanted to go to the bank and Venetia wanted to go into town.

So we made arrangements that when they were finished they’d meet up with us. I went with Venetia to town we walked around for a bit, and then Venetia noticed that two girls were following us…

We went into Game, came out, walked down the street and turned down one of the side streets that brought you to the main square centre. Here one of them called “Excuse moi!”, we stopped and she was making movements in a shape of a skirt, shaking her head then pointing at me.

Yes, the locals of all of the countries that I have moved to like to play charades :-P. Well we stopped, Venetia ran behind me looked to see if my skirt had gone… too far up :-P, it hadn’t.

Later on, through a lot of confusion and A LOT of “Did you understand that?” “No.” coming from both sides. In the end I said “Ah c’est trop court pour FRANCE! Je comprend maintenante! (Ah it’s too short for FRANCE! I understand now.” This was followed by a whole lot of “Oui”’s in French from them :-P.

It was true I hadn’t seen any other girls (… or boys) in France with skirts on with no leggings or tights. As they were telling me that the boys in France are folle (crazy) and making circular movements to their forehead, a bunch of teenagers came over and started cat-whistling… Grrrrreeeeeaaaaat timing!

The guys left after a while of me saying goodbye in … a good few languages (since I couldn’t think of much French) and Aurora and… okay didn’t quite catch the tallest one’s name saying… other things in French, let’s just leave it at that :-P.

We exchanged e-mail addresses and then parted. Venetia and I walked around for about an hour, met up with our parents, then bumped in Aurora and … the other one :-P, this time they were chatting to two friends, they introduced us. One had lived in Canada for four years so spoke amazing English… so that was a HUGE help :-P!

They asked our parents if they could take us around
our little town and to a place called Tecktonik. Now every time they said “Tecktonik” they did a movement with their arms and legs… we figured it was a dance thing… our parents said yes and off we went.

As we walked around the corner at the top of the road, I realised it was the group of teenagers that I had dreaded ever bumping into… because you know how teenagers have their cliques and it’s like, you’re hardly just going to walk over to them and start speaking (in a completely different language)… it’d just be awkward!

Well I stopping mid-step, wide eyed and just stood there, they turned around and said “C’est bon!”, “Mai ma JUPE! Le juuuuupe!!!!” (But my SKIRT! The skiiiiirt!). They laughed then the Canadian one said “Don’t worry!” and so off I went… very reluctantly…

They were all actually very nice! One guy even said in perfect English “Hi, What’s up?”… of course this was the only English he knew :-P. I haven’t really seen Aurora or… the other one in town so as per usual I just steer away from that crowd :-P.

Oh right yeah I never told you what Tecktonik was. It’s a new type of dancing that originated in France, it’s cross between, techno, break dancing and hip hop… very strange looking at first, but it grows on you :-P…

Yikes! Just read a past blog and realised that I’ve told you about this… but in short term, aw well it’s writen out now :-P. Well I’m going to leave it at that and hope not to repeat myself anymore than I have.

Hope to hear from you all soon! (Oh look at that! Already repeating myself :-P)

- Bianca (And again (:-O what a shocker! :-P)

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