
Monday, July 7, 2008

Saturday… which actually felt like Sunday because of going out on Friday, the Friday which felt like a Saturday…

Hey everyone!

Okay, so over the past three days I’ve actually been busy doing… okay well I wouldn’t say busy but I’ve been enjoying summer to it’s fullest!!

On Friday (Yes Friday, I know! Aren’t the holidays just the best :-P) Venetia and I met up in town with three of our French (I have to stop categorising them under “French”… what other type of Friends would I be going out with over here /: ) friends and we walked to a studio sort of place. Where we met a friend of Adelyne’s (Melanie the drummer), and there we “jammed”. It was so much fun!

Usually I’m extremely shy about my voice but this time, I just thought, Aww what the heck! And sang for a bit, of course I didn’t want to play the band’s music on my guitar… I haven’t really practised improvising… Can you practise improvisation /:-S? Anyhoo, yes I’ve never improvised, so decided to leave that to the other guitarist there :-P. Then we went back to town, and all in all it was great! Finally making friends here ^_^.

The following day, Saturday… which actually felt like Sunday because of going out on Friday, the Friday which felt like a Saturday… So on the “real” Saturday Venetia and I met up with a friend and went to the outdoor swimming pool! Extremely confusing, since I’ve never been to an outdoor public pool in my life.

It was quite fun actually, although I put my body through shock. See we went straight outside and jumped into that pool, I thought it was an alright temperature but half an hour to an hour later when we decided to head on inside, and I bombed into that pool, I was shocked by the temperature, I thought I was going to die of the heat! So was soon back outside again… which I soon regretted :-P… Everything felt so much colder than it had been before, because now my body had warmed up >.<. Even worse! The clouds had decided to just come over and smother the sunshine up! I decided to just brace myself for it though, I had lived in Ireland for most of my life anyway! What’s another few minutes of shivers and shakes? :-P

On Sunday, the Sunday which really should have been Monday, but wasn’t, we had a barbeque in the rain :-P. Living in South-West France and all, we had sort of just expected the weather to be top-notch like always… We’ve been taking the weather for granted recently! But the barbeque was so much fun and the lovely couple we know here, who we’d invited and who’d driven two hours to get to us, had seemed to have a great time, so all was good. It was brilliant to get to practise my French, without getting flustered. And I even learnt quite a few interesting phrases :-P. The weather hasn’t improved much, but by “Meteo France” it shall be 23 degrees in
my little town tomorrow :-). Vive la France! Today I actually feel like doing a bit of work, so going to practice my guitar and “maybe”, emphasise on the maybe, learn more French words :-P. Hoping to hear from you guys soon!

- Bianca


Wilf James said...

We had a great time too!!

Vive la France

Anonymous said...

Hello Bianca!,I am Ivar from Mexico City.I have been reading your blog because i am learning English.I don't remember how i found it but i am very happy to read about your life in Castres :)
...and as you say

hope to hear from you soon!!!!


Bianca said...

Hey Wilf!!!

Thank you so much for leaving a comment! Great to hear from you through here!

Bianca said...

Hello Ivar!

Thank you so much! I wasn't aware of how many people were reading my blog (AND from Mexico!! Wow!)! Now that I know though, I will be writing soon!

Thank you so much for leaving me a comment!!

I really am hoping to hear from you soon!

By the way, your English is incredible, I wouldn't of been able to guess that it wasn't your native tongue :p.

- Bianca =]
