
Thursday, January 24, 2008

It’s all my electric guitar’s fault!

Hey everyone!

I know it’s been a while, but you can’t blame me :-P! It’s all my electric guitar’s fault! No really, since Christmas (when I got it) I haven’t been able to put it down… no it’s not a “Oh no I’ve been playing with the super glue again” situation :-P. It’s just so satisfactory learning a new song and it coming out correctly. This is my second electric guitar, I got my first one last Christmas but then less than a month later we decided to move to Sicily, so I had to get rid of it :-(.

I didn’t really play it much in Ireland anyway, my guess is because we had English T.V. … ah Sky+ I miss you so very much :-P. It’s amazing how you can pick up the slightest sound of English on the television here, even though it’s turned right down and there’s a loud French person dubbed over it :-P.

Back to the guitar! Ahh, my gorgeous guitar! Ever since I was five or six… or even before then, I’ve wanted to be a singer, the only problem is, I’m a lot more shy to sing in front of people now than I was then :-P. Acting’s also been a common “Oh! I want to be an actress some day” phrase from me :-P. Anyway, how we got to this subject, I have no idea, but if you just so happen to be someone who has a part for me in a movie, I’m sitting right here… hint, hint, nudge, nudge, wink, wink! :-P

Anyway back onto a more realistic subject :-P. Yes, my guitar playing’s going great, so far (remember this is less than a month people!... Okay, okay! It’ll be a month tomorrow… still!) I can play a nice Spanish piece, the “basic” strumming to “Wild Thing” and what is apparently “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door” (It doesn’t really sound like it, when I play anyway, but it’s still pretty!).

Also a really nice song that I heard on the end of “The Sopranos”, Kasey Chamber’s “The Captain”. Oh and another, promise this is the last… for NOW! Mwa ha ha ha ha!!!... Ehem hem… I.. I mean, yes so I’m also learning “Wish you were here” by Pink Floyd ^.^!

I’m even writing my own song, well, all that I’ve got so far is the guitar part… not so much the words… think that I’ve done it in the wrong order but oh well, I’ll get there… eventually :-P. Once I’m good enough at Pink Floyd or even my own song, I’ll be sure to “You tube” it and post it up here :-)!

Not really much other news, as you can see by my enthusiasm over the guitar, I don’t get out much… Oh wait! Not true! I have got more news (The “I don’t get out much…” is still true though). You’re all condemned to this torture for just a little longer :-P.

I think that it was two weeks ago, that we decided to take a drive up to Toulouse because there was supposed to be an enormous ice-rink placed in the main square for the winter months. When we got there, the place was crowded, and the rink… well it wasn’t as large as I had pictured it.

It was a great outing though, we got to see some figure skating shows in the interval, but decided to pack up and start heading back home when we saw the queues and felt the cold. As well as that was that you got little coloured slips of paper so you might have to wait 45 minutes until your 45 minute session. If you do ever come to France, Toulouse is definitely a “must” though, it’s gorgeous towering buildings with its stylish shops, but I recommend going on a warm day… Heehee, just read over that and realised that I sound like a travel agent :-P.

Well, I reckon I’ll leave it at that. If you feel like surprising me on my birthday, I’d appreciate “Kiss My Fishy” pictures :-P… just a hint, *Insert creepishly ghost like voice here* Remember the 1st of February, February, February, February (no that wasn’t my “I repeat myself symptom”… it was supposed to sound like it was fading away… or an echo… whatever the likeliness of ghosts do anyway :-P. If that wasn’t clear and now you’re sitting there utterly confused, my birthday is on the 1st of February and I wouldn’t mind pictures of you guys kissing fish… I really should of just said that in the first place :-P.

Oh another reminder is just to remember (if you are new to this blog or have lost me on the reason that I would like pictures of people around the world kissing fish) that the blog actually starts a few pages down, this is my most recent, if you scroll to the bottom, there’s a button that says “Older Posts”, click this, scroll down the next page, click it again, etc. until you find yourself on the very first post. This should be pretty clear since there’s pictures of, yes, you’ve guessed it, me kissing a fish… how lovely… :-P.

Right, I’ll write up again soon… or in a while, depends on how my guitar-ing goes :-P.

- Bianca

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I can't believe it's not... turkey....?!

Hey Everyone!

I know I haven’t written in a while, so just going to post a quick one now. Nothing much has really been going on here. I’m getting better at ice-skating though =)! France is gorgeous, even though today’s the 1st of January, it’s so sunny outside! With saying that it’s the 1st, Happy New Year!!! I didn’t really think to post something up for Christmas… mainly because… well it was Christmas and I had my mind on other things :-P.

This Christmas was very quiet. Usually we’d have a lot of people over but with living in France and all… well everyone is still in Ireland. It was quite strange actually, not the fact that it was quiet more that French stores don’t supply many things… or at least not where we were looking anyway.

For instance, you can’t get “Lyle’s Golden Syrup”… an extremely important ingredient for FUDGE! So my sister can only make it when someone from her work goes over to England and brings her some back :-P. Another necessity is “Bovril” that you also can’t get in France. I was so annoyed, it’s like marmite, but in my opinion much nicer :-P! Anyway, the Christmas things that we were having trouble getting a hold of were “Crackers” (not the one’s that you put cheese on, the ones that make a … BANG, when you pull on them :-P... wow I wouldn’t be such a great describing person if you guys were aliens and hadn’t ever heard of anything :-P).

Another difficulty to get was “candy canes”, we couldn’t find them anywhere! On Christmas Eve, I think it was, my parents came home and had found some =). So that was great, but they’re not really like the green, red and white, mint flavoured candy canes that you can get. These are more multi-coloured and fruity flavoured :-P. They still look awesome though :-P!

Oh and also most of the ingredients to bake a proper Christmas cake, my mom makes a few every year. It’s the only thing that I’ll eat that has raisins in it… I’m just not much of a raisins fan. Anyway, this year we didn’t have that, but my gran’s supposed to be bringing the things with her when she comes from Ireland =)! Woo! Oh, I also eat mince pies, but what do you know! None of those here either! It’s alright though, ice-cream kept me going for pudding :-P!

Yes another thing that happened at Christmas, and was a consequence of living in France was that we didn’t get Turkey! Well we thought we did, until Boxing Day… You see, we went to the butcher, and we asked the guy for “dinde” (turkey in French). He sent us down to a section but it was just pieces of it, not the whole bird.

Anyway, we came back up and I asked “Avez-vous le ouiseau pour Noel” (literally, have you got the Christmas bird?”. The woman butcher pointed in front of her to a large bird but it had “chapon” stuck to the front of it, my mom and I chose this one, brought it home and then on Christmas it was cooked. It was absolutely lovely, the next day though we found out that, yes dinde is turkey and chapon is actually rooster… Hmmm, who knew?

Anyway I’m going to leave it at that, sorry it’s been a while and this is sort of short! Hope to hear from you all soon!

- Bianca
